
From MoHA Wiki


Event medium: Sound Art
Date Event Format Medium
11.01.14 AHoM Exhibition · Experience Acting · Collage · Craft · Design · Digital Art · Illustration · Installation · Interactive · Media Art · Mixed Media · Music · · Painting · Performance Art · Photography · Printmaking · Sound Art · Zine
04.20.19 Adrienne Truscott's One Trick Pony (or Andy Kaufman is a Performance Artist and I'm a Comedian) Theater Acting · Sound Art
09.07.18 Advanced Plants Exhibition · Experience · Theater Acting · Digital Art · Interactive · Sound Art
02.18.23 Apolaki: Opera of the Scorched Earth Performance Dance · Music · Sound Art
10.05.14 Arcangelo Constantini Concert Sound Art
05.03.24 BULLRIDE Performance Comedy · Performance Art · Sound Art · Storytelling · Writing
05.02.13 Calculated Carelessness Performance Design · Installation · Interactive · Music · Sound Art
12.05.14 Daughters of Lady Friends: Experimental Music Salon (Day 1) Exhibition Mixed Media · Music · Sculpture · Sound Art
12.06.14 Daughters of Lady Friends: Experimental Music Salon (Day 2) Exhibition Mixed Media · Music · Sculpture · Sound Art
09.09.17 Drone Music Performance Sound Art
11.16.13 E.A.S.T. Exhibition Installation · Painting · Performance Art · Sculpture · Sound Art
06.20.24 East Austin Ghost Community · Experience Mixed Media · Sound Art · Sculpture · Interactive
07.18.15 Ekrem Serdar Send Off Film Screening · Performance Film · Mixed Media · Sound Art
04.24.13 Electric Midwife Performance Dance · Sound Art
09.14.17 Elvind Opsvik Concert Music · Sound Art
04.21.17 Ernesto Walker (Exhibit) Exhibition Design · Illustration · Installation · Sculpture · Sound Art
04.01.17 Ernesto Walker (Residency) Residency Installation · Sound Art
04.06.16 Estudio Sobre Triángulo (Exhibit) Exhibition Illustration · Painting · Sculpture · Sound Art · Video
04.01.16 Estudio Sobre Triángulo (Residency) Open Studio · Residency Illustration · Painting · Sculpture · Sound Art · Video
04.08.16 Its Been Moving at First Performance Performance Art · Sculpture · Sound Art
11.10.18 Its not you, its me A SelfieGauntlet Experience Digital Art · Film · Installation · Interactive · Media Art · Sound Art
04.03.14 John Wiese Concert Music · Sound Art
11.01.15 Just Some Me Time… Experience Animation · Digital Art · Installation · Interactive · Media Art · Mixed Media · Participatory · Sound Art · Video Games
04.26.16 Lawrence English Concert Music · Sound Art
05.01.19 Marshall Trammell (Residency) Residency Music · Research · Sound Art
04.12.17 Nerd Nite: Ernesto Walker Talk Sculpture · Sound Art
02.22.13 No Idea Fest 2013 Concert Music · Sound Art
02.21.14 No Idea Fest 2014 Concert Music · Sound Art
02.20.15 No Idea Fest 2015 Concert Music · Sound Art
02.26.16 No Idea Fest 2016 Concert Music · Sound Art
01.16.17 No Idea Fest 2017 Concert Music · Sound Art
02.22.18 No Idea Fest 2018 Concert Music · Sound Art
02.21.19 No Idea Fest 2019 Concert Music · Sound Art
03.27.24 Oscillographics and Vector Synthesis Workshop Electronics · Participatory · Projection · Research · Sound Art
04.20.18 Planet Earth III Exhibition · Performance · Speed Dating Interactive · Media Art · Music · Performance Art · Puppetry · Sound Art · Video Games · Virtual Reality
11.23.14 Poncili Creacion Performance Performance Art · Puppetry · Sound Art
01.27.23 Portal Sounds: Tongue In The Mind and Seylon Stills Concert Music · Sound Art
09.07.18 Reverse Plane of Cloudy Concert Music · Sound Art
09.12.16 Robin Hayward Concert Music · Sound Art
10.14.17 Spare the Rod Exhibition Music · Performance Art · Sculpture · Sound Art
09.20.14 Temple of Drone Concert Music · Sound Art
10.29.19 Traces of butterflies on the Windshield of my Car Exhibition Sculpture · Sound Art
04.21.17 UTSA New Media Arts Collective Performance Media Art · Music · Performance Art · Sound Art
04.07.16 Us and We (T.T.T.A.W.) Exhibition Installation · Sound Art
04.21.18 Vidusekso Exhibition · Performance Fashion · Installation · Puppetry · Sound Art · Textile
03.02.19 Wires Exhibition Sound Art

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