
From MoHA Wiki


Event medium: Participatory
Date Event Format Medium
06.16.19 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Clown Led by Andie Flores and Cynthia Muñoz (Payasa) Workshop Makeup · Participatory
11.12.16 ART BY THE POUND Experience Collage · Craft · Illustration · Installation · Painting · Participatory · Printmaking · Sculpture · Textile
06.19.15 ATX Queer Kink: 2015-06-19 Social Participatory
10.16.15 ATX Queer Kink: 2015-10-16 Social Participatory
03.25.16 ATX Queer Kink: 2016-03-25 Social Participatory
06.04.24 Abundant Masculinities: Turning Toward Workshop Storytelling · Participatory · Writing · Social Engagement
12.13.19 Aryel René Jackson Crit Group Workshop Participatory
11.16.23 Between Two Crossings Drive-in Film · Participatory · Civic Engagement
10.27.17 Bravadoa Film Screening Film · Participatory
04.15.23 CATS+ Out of the Bag Exhibition Mixed Media · · Participatory · Performance Art
03.30.24 Classifieds for Poets Exhibition Digital Art · · Writing · Interactive · Illustration · Participatory
10.17.18 Cocktail / Bday Party Social Participatory
10.16.18 CotFG Meeting Social Participatory
12.14.23 Edward Normalhands Theater · Community · Concert Acting · Music · Drag · Digital Art · Video · Animation · Participatory
05.27.23 Games Y’all x Me & My Animal Friend (May 2023) Meetup · Performance Digital Art · Participatory · Performance Art · Video Games
10.26.20 Get Ready with Payasa Workshop Makeup · Participatory
09.21.23 Hacking It Drive-in · Expanded Cinema · Improv · Performance · Presentation · Rehearsal · Talk · Workshop Artificial Intelligence · Civic Engagement · Dance · Digital Art · Interactive · Media Art · · Participatory · Pedagogy · Performance Art · Projection · Q&A · Research · Storytelling · Video · Writing
04.14.14 In the Dark: A Non-Visual Art Show Exhibition · Experience Participatory
11.01.23 Instanosis Exhibition Interactive · · Participatory
05.11.19 Insurgent Learning with Suzy Gonzales Workshop Participatory · Pedagogy
05.26.19 Insurgent Learning, Harm Free Zone Framework Workshop Participatory · Pedagogy
10.10.19 Ivana Ivkovic (Residency) Residency Participatory
11.01.15 Just Some Me Time… Experience Animation · Digital Art · Installation · Interactive · Media Art · Mixed Media · Participatory · Sound Art · Video Games
03.28.24 Linh Le (Residency) Residency Performance Art · Participatory · Craft
06.01.22 Live in a Squareykah Drag Show · Fabrication · Film Screening · Karaoke · Meal · Performance · Photo Booth · Social · Variety Show Dance · Design · Drag · Film · Food · Installation · Mixed Media · Music · Painting · Participatory · Performance Art · Projection
08.20.22 Making Something Real That Seems Fake Workshop Civic Engagement · Participatory
01.09.18 Net Neutrality Reading Group 1 Social Participatory
01.16.18 Net Neutrality Reading Group 2 Social Participatory
03.27.24 Oscillographics and Vector Synthesis Workshop Electronics · Participatory · Projection · Research · Sound Art
08.31.23 Poolluck (Aug 2023) Meetup · Social Participatory
10.18.23 Queer Community Care: a Night at the Drive-in Class · Community · Drive-in · Film Screening · Social · Workshop Film · Interactive · Participatory · Q&A
10.28.18 Red Dragon Theater Group Social Participatory
10.27.19 Red Dragon Theater Group Halloween Party Social Participatory
09.25.19 Selfie Workshop Workshop Film · Participatory
11.03.23 Steers & Queers Austin Drag Show Dance · Drag · Music · Participatory · Stand-Up · Stripping
06.15.19 Story Singing and Fashion Code Switching Led by Jenny Parrott Workshop Music · Participatory
06.01.18 The MoHA is Present Social Participatory
10.06.23 Tiny Minotaur Fantasy Movie Drive In 1 (Reign of Fire) Community · Drive-in · Film Screening · Meetup Animation · Film · Interactive · Music · Participatory
10.13.23 Tiny Minotaur Fantasy Movie Drive In 2 (The Green Knight) Community · Drive-in · Film Screening · Meetup Animation · Film · Interactive · Music · Participatory
10.20.23 Tiny Minotaur Fantasy Movie Drive In 3 (Dragon-Slayer) Community · Drive-in · Film Screening · Meetup Animation · Film · Interactive · Music · Participatory
11.10.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 1 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.11.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 2 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.12.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 3 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.13.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 4 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.14.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 5 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.17.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 6 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.19.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 7 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.20.22 Tiny Minotaur Pop-Up: The King Killer 8 Experience · Theater Acting · Interactive · Participatory
11.17.13 Toward a Kinoderm Aesthetic Class Participatory
10.30.20 Triple Trivia for Triple Threats Social Participatory
02.08.16 UT Neuroscience Dept Mixer Social Participatory
10.30.18 Unmasked Social Participatory
04.13.17 Vine of the Dead, 11 Ritual Gestures Performance · Theater Acting · Digital Art · Installation · Participatory · Performance Art
02.19.22 Workout! with Erica Nix Workshop Participatory · Sports
03.21.24 Poolboy: don't pick up Experience · Theater · Performance · Installation · Reading Participatory · Performance Art · Writing · Video · Other (the event medium is not listed)

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