Classifieds for Poets

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Classifieds for Poets.jpg

Event Info
Date start 03.30.24
Date end 06.30.24
Start Time 12am
Admission Free
Links · Resources

Laura M. Cañas P. / Classifieds for Poets

On view online through June 2024 at

For her residency project, Laura M. Cañas P. envisions a poetic economy that centers symbolic creation of art and nature over material capitalism. Classifieds for Poets is a radically tender job board for sensitive creatives, with illustrations inspired by medieval prints. The listings reflect an understanding of the economy as a complex system that regulates resources such as ideas, vital energy, and emotions. The site also features oracle cards, prompting reflections on creative life. Step into the reality Laura has created and consider: “Economy is a fiction. How would you tell the story?”

Laura M. Cañas P. (Medellín, Colombia, 1992) is an Artist and Journalist based in Austin, TX, with a bachelors degree in Social Communication-Journalism. She is a self-taught artist and has participated in group exhibitions, artists groups and received grants for creative projects. Laura´s work is developed at the intersection between art and journalism, from her perspective as a Latina woman. Her main mediums are linoleum, comics, etching and digital illustration. With her art she explores the themes of the feminine, gender violence, the power to heal, resilience and relationships within nature. She is also interested in the relationship between Global North and South, decolonization, and alternative economies.