Current Programs

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Current Programs

Affordable Space

Affordable Space Programs are programs that provide affordable rentable/reservable physical space at MoHA for producing and/or presenting creative or community work. These programs prioritize providing resources to individuals and organizations that have historically lacked access to institutional resources.


The Collaborative Art + Technology Situation (CATS+) is a residency and community program that encourages thoughtful, critical, creative engagement with technology. The CATS+ Residency Program groups cohorts of artists and tech wizards to learn together, make new projects, and share their process. We host collaborations, artist-led workshops, hangouts, public showcases, and a wiki to remove the mystery from tech and make magic together.

Cage Match Project

CMP is a gallery that lives in an industrial caged-trailer. This weathered and rusted container resides in a gravel parking lot in Austin, Texas where it is under constant exposure to the elements and 24-hour public viewership. It's current curator is Ariel René Jackson, a multidisciplinary artist. Cage Match Project was developed by Ryan Hawk, a Houston based artist

Community Abundance

Community Start

Digital Arts

Digital Arts @ MoHA empowers a diverse population of artists to use emerging and ubiquitous digital technologies in thoughtful and unexpected ways. We build community and support careers by connecting artists with mentors, each other, access to affordable resources, and stipends. We run online and in-person residencies, workshops, exhibitions, a production studio, equipment library, and resource wiki with learning guides.

Digital Do-Si-Do

Digital Do-Si-Do is an online media exchange presented in partnership with Games Y’all. It happens bi-monthly in our Discord servers and is a fun, low-stakes opportunity to make something creative, try new software or digital techniques, and meet friends.


A series of drive-in movies and in-car activities at The Museum of Human Achievement. An Enjoyable Community Cinematic Experience.


Event Space

Event Space at MoHA


Exhibition Programs are programs that present a series of exhibitions and may include support for their creation.

Fantastic Arcade

An annual festival which celebrates, amplifies, and supports the unique and underrepresented in indie video games and play. Fantastic Arcade operates as a community year-round, hosting quarterly game jams, monthly online and physical meetups, an active Discord server and other ongoing digital programs.


Each semester we host 3-5 student fellows from a variety of colleges in Austin.

Fiscal Sponsorship

We help many artists and informal organizations apply to grants funding via Fiscal Sponsorship.

Games Y'all

Games Y’all is a meetup presented by the Museum of Human Achievement, held every month at venues around Austin for indie devs, digital artists, and games fans.

Grant Writing Hangouts

Grant Writing Hangouts at MoHA

Holiday Show

Building on historical East Austin traditions, since 2013, MoHA has hosted a holiday show as an annual act of coming together. This celebration places community leaders on stage in leading roles. Historically we see the largest influx of new interest in the organization based on a fun, campy and approachable environment. This celebration provides a welcome space for joy amongst the community, many of whom the holiday season is a time of stress.



Job postings at MoHA.

Media Jams

Quarterly themed open calls for submissions of time-based artwork, inspired by Game Jams and 48 hour film festivals.



“Peanut” is a mobile platform to use practices of DIY community-building to create space shaped to serve the needs of hyperlocal communities. To create this space, a 90s city bus, “Peanut,” has been retrofitted to become an accessible and approachable hub for transportation between communities as well as a physical space to support conversations, gatherings and performances taking place directly within the neighborhoods Peanut seeks to serve.


Potluck is an intentional, uninterrupted place for people to socialize and connect.

Professional Development

Professional Development Programs are programs that endeavor to develop participants' professional repertoire (skills, ability, confidence, resilience, network, etc) through teaching specific skills or sharing knowledge.


Station to Stations

An international gallery housed within the destination sign of a former San Antonio city bus that now serves as a mobile performance platform. As the bus travels from place to place, or station to stations, the destination sign features text-based ideas from around the globe, transforming the bus into a moving network.

Studio Space

MoHA provides affordable space and professional support to individuals and organizations that have historically lacked access to institutional resources.

Test Program

The Mall

The Mall is a small art gallery in Austin, TX. We help artists make a living, with a particular interest in uplifting women artists, queer artists, and artists of color whose voices are more often marginalized, and to create an exciting and beautiful platform and context for their work. A majority of our gallery features works from Austin artists, and is exemplary of the unique culture of Austin. Beyond a space for exhibition, The Mall also actively facilitates education and community via four workshops annually, and the creation of new art via commissions of editioned work.

Unlisted Projects

Since 2014, Unlisted Projects has hosted international artists and leaders through an ongoing residency program based at the Museum of Human Achievement. UP facilitates transborder connections and international collaboration through friendship and the production of thoughtful new work. The community-driven nature of UP and its host location MoHA is firmly rooted in the idea of bringing people together to share their lived experience in a trusted and welcoming space.

Welcome to my Homepage

An international online residency program that offers artists financial and technical support to explore the internet as a site for creative production. Welcome to my Homepage was founded in 2014 and has since hosted over 65 artists from across the World Wide Web.