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Where is it

From MoHA Wiki

Default Space Layout

At its best, MoHA rests with solid white walls and a fully open space to be utilized.

  • All tools and extension cables are put away in their labeled home
  • The trash is cleaned up to be the best of our ability. Lids to trash can are on production shelf near labeled bin.
  • The chairs and pews are stored efficiently and out of sight, covered by the large tarps next to the bathroom outside of the venue space
    • The orange seating can be stored outside under a tarp, but the pews live inside. Seating is typically arrange around the perimeter of the lower space to keep the floor open
  • The wood/plastic/other sheet materials and props are stored on the rolling lumber cart or the outdoor storage rack.
  • Labeled 2x4’s, 2x6’s, 4x4’s etc are stored underneath the venue stage. Unlabeled, miscellaneous lumber is on outdoor lumber rack.
  • The ladders are stored by the back bay door in the venue, ensuring they don’t block any studio doors.
  • The kitchen is cleaned, all dishes put away
  • Doors and bay doors are locked
  • Gallery and Work Lights are off (festoons in venue and clamp lights in common area stay on)

All tools and production materials are labeled. Tool boxes, shelves, bins etc have designated, labeled places.

Tool Storage/Kitchen Area

Tool Storage and Kitchen Area Finding Guide
Tool Storage/Kitchen Area
  1. Production Materials → cables, fabric, lighting, extension cords)
  2. Dr. Caligari Cabinet → Tech cabinet (dongles, routers, batteries, power supply, etc)
  3. Junior Toolbox → Chop saw, drills, drivers, saws, power tools, etc.
  4. Hardware shelf → Screws, nails, door hardware, pulleys, etc.
  5. Homer Toolbox → Hand tools, sockets, hammers, screwdrivers, tape, utility knives, ip ties, rulers, measuring tape, etc
  6. Kitchen Area → Kitchen stuff (pots, pans, silverware, faucet, boiler, etc)
  7. Fridge Area → Fridge, freezer, microwave
  8. Resident studio / Storage → Their stuff
  9. Artists Studio → Their stuff
  10. Front Room → Wifi router, Gifts too MoHa, Old prints, storage space, library
  11. Coworking Office → Desk, chairs, mini fridge, event supplies storage
  12. IRL Space → Computers, printer, more tech stuff
  13. Bathroom → Sink, toilet, toiletries, hair dryer, cleaning supplies
  14. Zac + Rachel Studio → Their stuff

Gallery Space

Gallery Finding Guide
Gallery Space
  1. Gallery → White walls, modifiable open space
  2. Artist Studios → Their stuff
  3. Sometimes a large projector screen
  4. Light switches, main breaker box

Venue Space

Where to find things in the venue
Venue Space

The ladders are chained up outside by the back venue bay door (near 3)

  1. Production Alley → Game cabinets, podiums, tables, chairs, pop-up tents
  2. Bar → Alcohol, fridge, popcorn machine, coolers
  3. Stage, ladders & lighting storage → Spot lights, hanging brackets for lights, monitor speakers, ladders
  4. Stage → White walls, modifiable space
  5. MoHA Plays Storage → (2nd FLOOR) Storage for materials of past MoHa Xmas Plays
  6. Tech Spot → Stage lighting and sound control, soundboard, lightboard, lots of cables and wires
  7. Extension Cabinet → Extension cables (identified by size), power extenders and multipliers, video out tool box (media players connected to ethernet and hdmi out)
  8. Wood Storage → Stored under venue, labeled by size

Chairs and other seating moves around a lot

Second-Floor Storage

2nd Floor Storage Guide
Second-floor Storage

Second floor storage is accessible by the ladder above Adrian’s studio. The light switch is directly at the top of the ladder next to the rolled sheets (3).

Suggested rules of storage:

  • Stack big on bottom, small on top
  • Keep organized by what looks alike to the best of your ability
  • DO NOT step on the silver air duct ventilation, things will not be fun for anyone
  • Never load anything down or up without help. It's heavy and we want you to be safe

There are 4 areas of storage:

  1. Plywood, plastic sheets, composite board sheets, PVC Ppiping, as well as the sheet material of MoHA Alone and Batman Begins Begins (these are visually obvious by their coloration, often blue, pink, and yellow)
  2. Assorted Materials→ No specific distinction as to what this is, you will likely not interact with this
  3. Rolled Paper and other rolled materials stored in the rafters
  4. Props / Material Archive → Miscellaneous materials and props from past shows
  5. Ben’s Studio

Outside (near porta potties)

Outside (near porta potties)

This space is often the most used by visitors to the venue area. Storage is as follows.

  1. Benches→ Keep covered with large tarps to avoid water damage, heavy so use at least two hands to move them
  2. Porta Potties→ cleaned weekly (by outside company), keep lights taped up, pick up trash in/around if necessary
  3. Outside Storage Area→ Platforms, other tables, mini bars, excess wood. These are heavy so use at least two people to move these structures
  4. String of Lights→ keep up and away from tall structures, important at night.

Outside (Cage and Mall)

Outside (Cage and Mall)

The Mall is a small art gallery in Austin, TX. We help artists make a living, with a particular interest in uplifting women artists, queer artists, and artists of color whose voices are more often marginalized, and to create an exciting and beautiful platform and context for their work. A majority of our gallery features works from Austin artists, and is exemplary of the unique culture of Austin. Beyond a space for exhibition, The Mall also actively facilitates education and community via four workshops annually, and the creation of new art via commissions of editioned work.

Cage Match Project Gallery lives in an industrial caged-trailer. Measured at 20’x8’x7’, this weathered and rusted container resides in a gravel parking lot in Austin, TX where it is under constant exposure to the elements and 24-hour public viewership. By fully embracing the caged-trailer as both literal and conceptual context, Cage Match Project purposefully stages a narrative of the artist-at- odds, with either history, space, or a work of art itself.

  1. The Mall→ Organized and maintained by its own group of people, you will occasionally retrieve things out of here but leave things how you found them
  2. Cage Match→ installed by its own group, you will likely not interact with this other than plug it into an outlet or something similar
  3. Benches area→ water can collect here so try to keep the benches in a place where water does not stagnate, pick up trash as needed, there is a string of lights that reaches out to the cement pillar so be wary of that if you are moving tall objects
  4. Behind the Mall→ Storage/Work area, be wary of bugs and pick up trash as needed
  5. Gravel Pit→ Work area, pick up trash as needed, be nice to the cat
  6. Seating Storage→ Stacked black chairs, these are heavy so use at least two people to move them, the bar is occasionally stored here.

The Yard

The Yard is where the Resident Artists trailer is behind the tall metal fence to the right of the interior of MoHA. This place is pretty chaotic so be aware. Be nice to the chickens if they are hanging out.

directly by the door are the yellow parking cones, rope and no parking signs

  1. Resident Artists Trailer→ likely will not interact here but be nice to them if they are there, it’s their living space for the time being so be respectful
  2. Paint Storage Area→ Spray and bucket paint is stored here, Organize by size and type, be wary of tall grass
  3. Vinyl Pressing→ WIll not interact with it, say hello if you see anyone
  4. General Yard→ Storage of non-weather sensitive materials and structures, be wary of stray objects and tall grass