East Austin Studio Tour 2018: Recapping Weekend 1

From MoHA Wiki
Austin Chronicle
Review • November 13, 2018
  • Melany Jean
Link East Austin Studio Tour 2018: Recapping Weekend 1
Description Take MoHA's selfie challenge? Bathe in the forest? Do it all!

For some quality photos, and, come on, you want some good, shareable pics of this thing, step into the Museum of Human Achievement (stop 315), where 30 artists have set up a series of 30 selfie stations. The show cheekily takes the sensation of pop-up instagrammable experience spaces to their logical end, challenging viewers and participants to either post all 30 or forfeit $5 in their #selfiegauntlet. Peruse the hashtag for spoilers, or go in blind, but do go in to this fun, clever show.