Manage Staff Events

From MoHA Wiki

Create a Staff Event


  1. Go to:
    Staff Event Entry Form Screenshot.png
  2. If making an event that requires an advance ticket or RSVP create a ticket link after filling this form out link:via Withfriends.
  3. Event Name
    • When filling this out be sure to adhere to the Style Guide.
    • For a series of events:
      • “Event Name 1” and “Event Name 2”
      • “Games Y’all August 2023” and “Games Y’all September 2023”
  4. Public Event
    • Yes. Select this for events that the public can attend.
    • No. Select this for private workshops, film shoots, rehearsals, or other private events.
  5. Date Start
    • The date and time of the event.
  6. Date End
    • The end date and time.
      • Every event should have an end date/time.
      • For residencies, use multiple-day events. For repeating workshops, use individual events.
  7. Doors
    • (Optional:) Indicate when the house opens before the event/performance starts.
  8. Description
    • Include all event details, bios, and other relevant information. Write in an approachable and plainspoken style.
    • No length limit.
  9. Short Description
    • A shorter version of the Event Description. It will be use rfor text, email, and Discord communication. Text only.
    • Less than 1000 characters.
  10. Event Poster
    • A square or portrait poster. It will display at the top right of the wiki event page.
  11. Event Banner Image
    • Must be at least 720 x 377.
    • Will be used on Withfriends and Discord.
  12. Event Link
    • Insert your Withfriends ticket link.
  13. Open Call Link
    • (Optional:) If the event is an open call, insert the link here. Can be Wiki, JotForm, etc.
  14. Admission Type (select one)
    • Free
    • Suggested Donation
      • Insert low and high amount suggestion.
    • Sliding Scale (with a minimum donation)
      • Insert low and high amount suggestion.
    • Sliding Scale (with no minimum donation)
    • Set Price
      • Insert ticket price.
  15. Volunteers Requested
    • If Yes: Describe volunteer needs. Write a clear description of roles and skills, as well as amount of people needed. This gets posted into the volunteer Airtable base.
  16. Sponsor Requested
    • IF Yes: Describe what sponsorship the event requires. This gets posted into the sponsor Airtable base.
  17. Anticipated Attendance
    • Guess reasonably how many people intend to show up, this helps anticipate staffing numbers.
  18. MoHA Program
    • (Optional:) Select "+ Add" and choose the affiliated MoHA program from the dropdown.
    • If the program is not available, add it in Airtable through Grid
  19. Will this event take place at MoHA?
    • If No:
      • Select "+ Add" and choose the location from the dropdown.
      • If the location is not in the dropdown, add it. Include the name and address.
  20. Event format(s)
    • Select the event formats (eg. film, installation, improv, theater, other) from the dropdown.
  21. Event medium(s)
    • Select which mediums the event uses (eg. acting, sound design, music, etc).
  22. Who should be credited for this event?
    • Artists — those creating the work.
      • Artists as a term encompasses all educators, exhibitors, bands, performers or anyone who should be credited to the public.
    • Organizers — Those putting together the event.
    • Sponsors — Those donating products or dollars.
    • Funders — A grant funder or other funding body.
    • Fundraiser — Are proceeds from this event going to external causes?
  23. Add to MoHA Discord?
    • Select this box for the event to be added to the MoHA Discord within a few days.
  24. Staff
    • Select your name from the dropdown, in case there are any questions about the event.

Edit a Staff Event


  1. Go to Airtable.
  2. Select Event Entry > Staff Event Entry Grid.
    • The grid default sorts by Start Date, with the most recent event first.
  3. Select an event to edit.
    • Table headers directly correlate to the Airtable form.
  4. Staff Form Entry Link and Organizing Entry Link allow editing in the form view as opposed to the table view
    • Note: Editing in form view creates a duplicate table entry. This is not preferred.
  5. For series events, you can duplicate the line.
    • Change the date.
    • Change the name to the series formatting.
  6. To sync to Google Calendar:
    • Delete “Google Cal Event ID.”
    • Uncheck “Google Cal Event Created.”
    • Note: This is a one-way sync. If you delete an event from Airtable it is not deleted from Google Calendar, but edits will be carried over.
  7. When you create the event, if the “Add to MoHA Discord” box is checked, an automation runs every morning to add it to the Discord.

Add a Withfriends Event


  1. First, submit the Staff Event first through Airtable.
    • Note: Later you’ll need to plug the Withfriends link back into the Airtable.
  2. Go to:
  3. Log in.
  4. Select My Dashboard.

Withfriends banner.png

  1. Select Events.

Withfriends memberships.png

  1. Select Add Event.

Fill in the following:

  1. Event Name
  2. Location
    • This autofills to MoHA. You can change it to “online” or add a different location.
  3. Cover Photo
    • Needs to be 720x377 px.
    • If you need to reformat, use the staff login for [ Canva]. Use the “Withfriends Default Size” banner (1440x754px).
  4. Description
    • Grab from the events database. Use the the long description.
    • Delete redundant descriptions.
      • Ex. “This is at MoHA”
  5. Tickets
    • Match to the information entered in Airtable.
      • Free
      • Suggested Donation
        • Enter suggested donation amount.
        • Sliding Scale (with minimum donation)
          • For sliding scale with a minimum, set to “Suggested Donation.”
          • Enter the max and min range of donation and select “Require minimum donation” box.
        • Sliding Scale (with no minimum donation)
      • Set Price
    • Tickets can be limited by:
      • Capacity: amount of that type sold.
      • Amount of tickets per purchase: how many can one person/transaction order.
    • Multiple types of tickets can be added, either for multiple times, dates, or tiers of tickets.
  6. Confirmation Message
    • This is a message shown only after purchase. Add information restricted only to attendees here, eg. Zoom links, surveys, secret address.

Note: For events that have multiple days of the same thing (eg. plays), put them in the same event. Otherwise, create separate events.

More Withfriends navigation

Name Image Note/Steps
View Guests Withfriends ViewGuests.png Shows who has a ticket and at what tier.
Share guest list Withfriends Share Icon.png
Add a Guest Withfriends AddGuest Icon.png *Select a tier or manually add:
    • Name
    • Email (optional)
    • Quantity
  • Upload a guest list via CSV.
Scan Barcode Withfriends Barcode Icon.png Use this to scan people’s ticket links on mobile.
Members of MoHA Withfriends OngoingMembers Icon.png
Download CSV of all Attendees Withfriends CSV Icon.png
Email all Attendees Withfriends email.png Instead of using the Withfriends email system - download CSV, copy emails, and send a direct email. Put all emails in BCC.
View Report Withfriends ViewReport.png Shows how many tickets are purchased to which tiers. Withfriends TicketTier.png

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