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Practical Things

From MoHA Wiki
Revision as of 02:51, July 26, 2022 by Moha (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Day to day things at MoHA. === Where is IT? === ===Rent=== Rent can be paid via the Cash App or check. Our cash app handle is "$themuseum" ===Trash & Recycl...")
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Day to day things at MoHA.

Where is IT?


Rent can be paid via the Cash App or check. Our cash app handle is "$themuseum"

Trash & Recycling

Trash goes to the dumpster which is out the front door toward Lyons (left). Zac will text you the code to the dumpster lock. Recycling bins are blue and normally out front of the door nearest to the bathroom. Please break down boxes so they can fit in the recycling bins.

Fire Extinguishers

In case of emergency, there are 5 fire extinguishers located around the building within 30ft of any location. Starting from the front entrance of the building moving left:

  1. On the hallway going to the studios passing the bathroom.
  2. Common area to the left of the tools and attic ladder.
  3. Left of garage entrance on the gallery area.
  4. At the end of the hallway directing to the studios off the gallery area, to the left.
  5. Just to the left after the door by the porta potties
  6. In addition to that, there is a first aid kit to the left of the shower. Calling 911 for bigger emergencies helps too!

Fire Safety

Please please please, no open flames in studio spaces. Always remember to turn off space heaters before you leave. Dispose of any oil based paints and rags in a proper fashion. Its an old wooden warehouse and its very important that we stay thoughtful and aware!

Wifi Password and Locations

Zac will text you the wifi password.

There are various networks at MoHA:

  • MoHA, MoHA5g, & MoHA Guest are all closest to the bathroom
  • MoHA2 is closest to the concrete floor on the other side of the building
  • MoHA trailers is outside in the yard near the garden


The front door (up the concrete stairs) and the double doors by the portapotty lock behind themselves, just make sure to shut them tightly. Your MoHA key will open both doors.

The bay doors all open via a latch that you need to pull away from the door railing. Some of the doors can be sticky and a trick to get the latch to close or open is to put your foot on the bottom of the door while you pull. They are old so please open and close them slowly.

If you open a bay door either be the one to shut the door or make eye contact with another person in the space and tell them you’re leaving and ask if they want you to shut it or if they can shut it once they leave. Please don’t leave the space without a bay door behind you.

Lights & Breakers

The gallery lights are located on the wall in the gallery as a set of 8 switches. Each switch has a dimmer on the side of the switch. Above this set of switches there is a breaker box. This box is most likely the only breaker box any artist will need to ever touch.

The only breaker in this box that people need to normally use is “#27 - Work Lights”. This breaker will turn on a handful of the sulfide halogen overhead lights. These lights take about 5 min to warm up and if you shut them off they need 10 min to cool down before being turned on again.

Getting Locked Out

If you get locked out, there is a lock box on the handrail of the front door. Please return the key to the lockbox after you use it. Zac will text you the code to the lock box.

Shared Tools

We have a selection of shared tools and hardware at MoHA.

Only use the shared tools in the space if you have already signed the liability waiver and have prior experience with using powertools. If you have already signed the waiver but want a tutorial on using any tool, contact Zac. You can absolutely hurt yourself using some of the tools improperly, so please be careful and do not use any tool you aren’t sure about. All tools are marked in the tool area which is right before the door to the bathroom.

All powertools should be put back in the place you found it. We try to keep this section organized and it takes a substantial amount of effort. Please contribute by putting things back or keeping the shared tools section nicer than you found it.

Ask Zac for a more substantial tour if you’d like one.

Materials and Hardware

MoHA has lots of stuff around! Some screws, lightbulbs, scrap wood etc... are no big deal to use and feel free to leave stuff in an organized fashion that you think others might use. Things like sheets of plywood, numerous shelf brackets, substantial amounts of paint etc... just ask Zac. Its an esoteric system of materials exchange, but use your discretion and ask if you’re ever unsure.