Not So Wet, but Very Hot Texan Summer

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An Evening of Performances by Chelsea A. Flowers, Colton Dowling, Hannah Dubbe, Alex Meiser, and Nick Witten

Do you like variety shows? Laughter? Or specifically laughing at someone? Or laughing at multiple people? Well you're in luck the undeniably awkward and funny Chelsea A. Flowers is here to entertain by sharing and analyzing quotes by the provocative American sweethearts, Migos. And share stories from her life, which will make you feel much better about your own. Chelsea A. Flowers brings along a group of much funnier art friends who will certainly entertain if she doesn't. They'll talk, stand, sit, perhaps crowd surf and share all the things that they find funny.

And if you're still wondering why/what/who/why there are some sort of ingestible items for your enjoyment.

Chelsea A. Flowers Hails from the great city of Cleveland! Chelsea A. Flowers is an artist who holds an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Prior to Cranbrook, Flowers studied Fine Arts and Black Studies at Denison University. She has shown work at various galleries in Columbus and Cleveland Ohio. Additionally she has held performances at galleries and universities around Detroit. Her practice explores subversion to popular culture through analysis of the concept “What Would Migos Do?”

Colton Dowling Colton is a high-energy comic with a background in improv. Originally from LA, he regularly performed at the Upright Citizens Brigade, American Comedy Co., and The Comedy Store. IF you like to laugh and hate racism he is your man- Otherwise he is not your man and specifically never wants to meet you.

Hannah Dubbe Is an artist currently living and working in Austin, Texas. She attended school at The University of Texas for film production. There she became more interested in video and performance art and began developing an artistic practice. She now spends her time making art with digital video and continues to experiment with new styles and technologies. Much of her work focuses on telling personal stories through performance and micro narrative videos. Her work aims to satirize expected feminine performance and the way that humans interact with each other. She enjoys learning new techniques to tell her stories and trying on many bad wigs in the process.

Alex Meiser’s Small Midwestern town was recently featured in The Wall Street Journal in an article titled “Strugglig Americans Once Sought Greener Pastures-Now They’re Stuck.” Alex believes in the motto, “It’s all fake but let’s pretend it’s magic anyways.”

Nick Witten Is a video and performance artist from Indianapolis, IN. He holds a BFA in Sculpture from Herron School of Art and Design and an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Nick has shown at galleries throughout the Midwest including Listen Here, Blue Wren, Big Car Collective, and Forum Gallery. He used to like jokes and now he isn't so sure... In addition to the Variety Show, Chelsea A. will also be hosting an open studio visit of the Placation Station.

Chelsea A. is a slight hoarder. Items fill a void. She wants you to Visit the Placation Station in her August Studio. While you're there know, “Someone is here for you. Let us placate your anxiety, desires, or needs with materiality. Enjoy the items at the placation station. Take what you need and leave what you want. Help this hoarder break her habit. Everything Must Go!”