Who can bring the most snacks

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Event Info
Date 12.16.20
Admission Free
Event artist
Presented by
Associated Program Curbside Yuletide

Heck yeah it’s a brand new Christmas movie! Bring binoculars to the show and watch my reaction from your car! This movie is all about catching up with family and loved ones, so we’re hosting an in car catch up before the movie! Call your parent or guardian or sibling or barber or FaceTime your dog! If you want to call a mom but don’t have one or don’t have that kinda relationship with yours, we are assembling a crew of volunteer moms you can call! Test drive a new mom for 15 minutes! Oh also we’re having a snack competition! Bring snacks for you and you alone to eat in your car! We’ll give out awards for Best Snack, Biggest Snack, Weirdest Snack, Most Thoughtful Snack, Best Colored Snack, Most Ambitious Snack, Most Wack Snack, and Snack Most Likely to Attack. Winners of the Snack competition get to eat all of the snack that they brought, its a win win win snack situation.