So You Want to Be a Soundcloud Artist?

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By Mavyn Vu GUTS+Published: June 12, 2024

This is an artist page by Mavyn Vu. This project was part of the CATS+ Spring 2024 cohort.


Have you ever wanted to make your own music but felt too intimidated by lack of equipment or “musical training” to start? Then this is the tutorial for you! This quick how-to will help you get started with simple software sampling techniques that will help you get started on your sound art journey!

Applications of this tutorial can be to create simple soundscapes or sound art scenes to complement your visual work, providing sound that is royalty free and original!


The only materials you will need to get started are a laptop or smartphone that has recording capability and yourself! If you have a Macbook, you will have access to GarageBand, a free software that allows for all sorts of music making (download it from the app store). If you only have a phone or a non-Apple laptop or computer, you can download Bandlab, a free web-based application that will allow you similar capabilities as GarageBand.

Let's Get Started!

Use this Canva presentation!

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