Understand the Sponsorship Airtable Base

From MoHA Wiki



A walkthrough of the various parts of the Sponsorships Airtable.


There are three main tabs in the Sponsorship Airtable:

  • Sponsorship Asks
  • Annual
  • Events

Sponsorship Asks

image' Within the “Sponsorship Asks” tab there are:

  • Views
  • Events


image The menu displays on the left side. You can move views by dragging them.


  • In-Progress Events (single time)
  • Annual (ongoing, bigger asks)


image This is where all information is tracked. When interest is flagged, information is filled out in the corresponding columns:

  • Events
  • Status
  • Last Contacted
  • Notes
  • Company


image This tab tracks longer term asks. image The Annual Support tab shows who MoHA might ask for support and why this company. The following information is found here:

  • Ask Template
    • A template for making an ask.
  • Why this company
    • Explanation of why MoHA is asking them.
  • Point of Contact
  • Ranking of Priority
  • Stage
    • Researching
    • Accepted
    • Cultivated
    • Asked
  • Next Steps
    • Schedule Meeting
    • Submit Proposal
    • Follow-up Call
    • Follow-up Email
    • Thank You
  • Next Steps Due
    • When action needs to be taken on those steps
  • Other Organizations Supported
  • MoHA Staff
    • Which staff member is linked to the ask
  • Year
  • Additional Notes
  • Product Donation
  • Liquor
  • Cash Ask
  • Cash Received


image This tab tracks asks for specific events.

Upcoming Events

Use this database to track asks and sponsorship needs for upcoming events. Airtable’s bases are Synced, so the Sponsorship base is synced. Upcoming Events pulls from the Events base. Sometimes it makes more sense to break events into multiple days if needed.

  • Ex. “Austin Studio Tour Day 1,” “Austin Studio Tour Day 2,” etc.


Main View

image This showcases all the events and has all the same details as the previous views. It also shows:

  • Sponsorship Asks
    • Status
    • Which sponsors per eventThen the status, and then which sponsors per event.
  • Status of Event
    • Already happened
    • Upcoming

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