Sixth Local Filmmakers Showcase 2024

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Revision as of 00:05, January 25, 2024 by Moha (talk | contribs)

Come enjoy a screening of contemporary avant-garde film and video made by Central Texans!

Celebrate the artists whose work we have highlighted in our 50-minute program!

Mingle with other lovers and makers of experimental media!

We'll have drinks, good cheer and info about two more beautiful shows we've got planned this season.


Virginia L. Montgomery - Moon Moth Bed
Hugo Santana - Tales from the Line
Vox Garbles - Twilight Electric - Self Portrait
Renee Lai - Conversations with Calliope
Katy McCarthy - Pancho and Lefty (or: Solar Confusion)
Mamas Kittens (Kristin Lucas) - Music of the Tail
Lauren Tietz - A Rainforest No More
Matthew Bendure - Transition
Hector Iglesias - Recuerdos
Christie Blizard - Cactus
Paul Bradley Baker - Sequential Loops