Meet me on the deep net

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Revision as of 02:44, May 10, 2024 by Moha (talk | contribs)
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Meet me on the deep net.jpg

Event Info
Date start 05.04.24
Date end 07.31.24
Start Time 12am
Admission Free
Links · Resources

Lizz Thabet / Meet me on the deep net

On view online (browser only) at

Meet me on the deep net is a tiny browser-based game about intimacy, trust, and establishing connection in anonymity. Inspired by the Tor network's process of forming secure rendezvous points to allow websites to be visited and hosted anonymously, Thabet’s interactive narrative is a protocol drama about crossing an ocean to meet a stranger in search of, or offering connection. The blocky styling evokes text-based games and spreadsheet art, highlighting simple computer aesthetics. Thabet has created a space for optimism and awe in a web that’s increasingly surveilled, extractive, and monopolized. Each of the two journeys makes poetry of the requests and responses our devices make, revering the trust made possible in an open-source, privacy-minded network, supported by volunteers around the world.