Performance Tapes no. 1

From MoHA Wiki

Event Info
Date 09.16.15
Admission Free
Event artist
Presented by


By Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña / 31 mins

Come one, come all! See two fierce natives from a newly discovered island in the Gulf of Mexico! A rare treat and fascinating discovery! This critical documentary records Coco Fusco and Guillermo Gómez-Peña’s famous 1992-93 performance as Amerindians on display in various Western cities. Kept in cages with two guards and explanatory labels on the walls, they sewed voodoo dolls, performed ritual dances (to rap music) and were fed bananas. In the documentary, however, the audience members are the ones on display. Convinced it was real, their reactions show how racist and lingering colonialist beliefs still inform our understanding of non-Western cultures. This argument remains timely twenty years later... Allison Myers introduces the film.

PERFORMANCE TAPES is a new series of screenings dedicated to recordings of performances and other live art events from the 1960s to today.

Complimentary Drinks Provided by Austin Beer Works