Fantastic Arcade Committee Roles

From MoHA Wiki
Revision as of 21:58, January 20, 2023 by Pizzabeast (talk | contribs)

Game Committee

Select games, spotlight creators, guide themes for events, recruit submissions.


Co-chairs - organize meetings, make agendas, delegate and follow up
Secretary - take notes, organize information in Asana and drive
Outreach Officers - recruit submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, women, and non-binary game developers/artists, inform folks about our open calls and meetups, socialize with and support devs at the event, develop themes for meetups based on submissions, pitch guest curators for meetups/showcases.

Useful skills

  • Big fan of our mission
  • Knack for programming/curating and/or is into sharing games/digital art
  • Inclusive, social, friendly
  • Can speak gamer


Before event Selection: Review submissions, select games as well as occasional guest curators and presenters. Round out submissions with invites and direct asks.
Programming: Determine occasional themes or spotlights, collaborate with Working Groups on media jams.
At event Production: Greet game devs at the meetup, help with setup as needed, make sure they have what they need, check in during the event to see if they need a break or need anything, help with load-out as needed. Outreach: Meet new attendees, encourage people to play the games, encourage developers you meet to submit their games