Fantastic Arcade Committee Roles

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Revision as of 21:16, January 20, 2023 by Pizzabeast (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Game Committee == Select games, spotlight creators, guide themes for events, recruit submissions. === Roles === '''Co-chairs''' - organize meetings, make agendas, delegate...")
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Game Committee

Select games, spotlight creators, guide themes for events, recruit submissions.


Co-chairs - organize meetings, make agendas, delegate and follow up Secretary - take notes, organize information in Asana and drive Outreach Officers - recruit submissions from BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, women, and nonbinary game developers/artists, inform folks about our open calls and meetups, socialize with and support devs at the event, develop themes for meetups based on submissions, pitch guest curators for meetups/showcases.

Useful skills

  • Big fan of our mission
  • Knack for programming/curating and/or is into sharing games/digital art
  • Inclusive, social, friendly
  • Can speak gamer

Tasks Before event Selection: Review submissions, select games as well as occasional guest curators and presenters. Round out submissions with invites and direct asks. Programming: Determine occasional themes or spotlights, collaborate with Working Groups on media jams. Production: Communicate information about selected games, themes, guests, etc to staff and other committees, manage communications with game devs and presenters who are showing at the meetup (templates and info will be provided) At event Production: Coordinate game devs at the meetup, greet them, help with setup as needed, make sure they have what they need, check in during the event to see if they need a break or have any requests, help with load-out as needed. Outreach: Greet game devs, encourage people to play the games, encourage other gamers to submit their game