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Covid Guidelines

From MoHA Wiki
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Stage Chart

All MoHA Areas Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Staff and Community - Masks in Common Areas No No Yes Yes Yes
Staff - Masks in Office (indoor - more than 2 people) No No Yes Yes Yes
Staff - Masks in Office (indoor - 2 people) No No *Consensus *Consensus *Consensus
Staff - Masks Outdoors No No *Consensus *Consensus *Consensus
Staff and Community -  Masks with Community (indoors) No No *Consensus Yes Yes
Staff and Community - Masks with Community (outdoors) No No No *Consensus *Consensus
Symptom Checks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

All *Consensus based protocols linked here require all parties consent. To make informed consent each week in our weekly check-in we would ask any staff to share if they’ve been exposed to any of the following:

  • Travel
  • Experiencing Symptoms
  • Any secondary exposure
  • Public gatherings of more than 10 people (outside of pod)

We center needs-driven accommodations before comfort-driven preference. If individual staff have health or accessibility needs that differ from any of these guidelines, let us know and we will collaborate with you to make reasonable accommodations. Individual staff safety and preference to wear a mask and request others to wear a mask in immediate proximity takes priority over any chart based guidelines. If policy dictates a covid test and test are not accessible for free, MoHA will reimburse or provide covid tests to any staff member.

All MoHA staff must provide proof of vaccination.

Covid Guidelines


  • Each door will have a hand sanitizer station and a set of these guidelines
  • Keep doors open for fresh air when possible
  • If you’d like to have more rules than those posted here, please print out guidelines to post on your studio door or in a visible area
  • Wash your hands!
  • It might be wise to bring a small towel being that MoHA gets hot and you might want your own towel for sweat, keep this towel with you or bring it home when you’re done at your studio.
  • If you share a office or studio with another person, ask them about these rules and if you want to consider anything else. Also feel free to make suggestions on this doc.


  • No paint washing in the bathroom (forever rule)

Mess Sink/Kitchen

  • Wash brushes in this sink but take anything you bring with you back to your studio

What happens if someone at MoHA gets sick?

MoHA Staff is Asymptomatic but has had primary contact with covid positive individual.

  • Require the individual to seek covid test or until a medical professional identifies that it is safe for them to return to work.

MoHA Staff is Symptomatic – Immediate Response:

  • Require the individual to immediately seek medical care (Nurseline, MDLive, or personal healthcare provider).
  • Ask the individual to notify Zac
  • Inform all MoHA Staff

MoHA Staff is Symptomatic – Isolation Requirements:

  • Require the symptomatic individual to immediately self-isolate until 72 hours after symptoms have passed, staff is testing negative or until a medical professional identifies that it is safe for them to return to work.

MoHA Staff has Positive Covid Test – Isolation Requirements:

  • Identify all persons that have had close/primary contact with the staff and all those that have had secondary contact with the staff.
  • Notify all relevant individuals (close and primary contact).
  • Notify all secondary contacts that they should self-monitor.

Quarantined MoHA:

  • Close off all areas used by the sick individual within the 72-hours before symptoms were reported.
  • Open outside doors and windows (if possible) to increase air flow.
  • Wait at least 24 hours before reentering the area to begin cleaning or disinfecting, the longer the better.
  • Clean and disinfect all areas/equipment used by the sick person (offices, bathrooms, shared equipment/electronics).
  • If more than 5-days have passed since the individual was present at the facility no additional cleaning is necessary and routine cleaning can be resumed.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Wear disposable gloves and gowns/suits for all post-infection cleaning process; additional PPE maybe required depending upon the cleaning products in use.
  • Gloves and gowns should be disrobed carefully to avoid further contamination and should be disposed of immediately after use.
  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If washing previsions are unavailable, then alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol may be used.
  • To disinfect an area use an EPA registered household disinfectant ([1] following the product instructions. These include household bleach and 70% by concentration alcohol solutions (recommended for use on electronics).
  • For household bleach the recommended concentration for disinfecting from COVID-19 is 1/3rd cup of bleach per gallon of water.
  • Follow manufacturers instructions regarding ventilation and PPE.

Glossary & Definitions

Primary Contact

Has been in close contact with the person suspected of having COVID-19

Casual Contact

  1. Having worked in the same area as a COVID-19 case without using common equipment and while maintaining social distancing guidelines,
  2. Having indirect contact with common equipment that was known to have been cleaned between uses within 72 hours of the symptomatic individual

Close Contact

  1. Being within 6 feet of a COVID-19 case for more than a few minutes,
  2. Having direct contact with infectious secretions (being coughed or sneezed on; using equipment that was coughed or sneezed on without cleaning before use within 72-hours)

Secondary Contact

Has come into direct contact with a Primary Contact or has had casual contact with the person suspected of having COVID-19.


Separation of people with symptoms of COVID-19, with or without testing.  Must stay home and away from others that share their residence to prevent the spread of the virus.


Taking your temperature twice daily and remaining alert for cough or difficulty breathing.


Separation of people who were exposed but do not have symptoms to see if they become symptomatic.

Social Distance

A conscious effort to maintain distance between yourself and other people.  Stay at least 6 feet from other people as often as possible.  If you cannot maintain social distance clean hands immediately after contact.

Symptoms of COVID-19

Fever (>100˚F), persistent cough, shortness of breath, sore throat.

Guiding Resources