What's on your mind, user? Workshop

From MoHA Wiki
Revision as of 15:27, February 23, 2024 by Poolboy (talk | contribs) (Added alt text to images)

This is an artist page by Celine Lassus and Mark Yoder. This page is part of the project: What’s on your mind, user? by Celine Lassus and Mark Yoder. This project was part of the 2022 CATS+ 1.0 cohort.

Images from workshop

Image of Pepe the frog-esque figure in a button down with black bar over eyes. Text reads No Identity.
Slide 1
Layered screenshots of Facebook with desktop and mobile.
Slide 2
layered screenshots of 4chan, 8chan, kiwi farms, etc, with small text: Do I look scary to you.
Slide 3
Layered screenshots of corporate graphics in millennial colors.
Slide 4
layered screenshots of captcha and human verification tests
Slide 5
Screenshot of Google search demo
Slide 6
Layered screenshots of Pepe and other meme figures
Slide 7
Two Shrek memes
Slide 8
Four views of Pepe
Slide 9
Blue text: Let's make some memes!
Slide 10
QR code and link https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest
Slide 11
QR code and link https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini
Slide 12
QR code and link https://huggingface.co./spaces/multimodalart/latentdiffusion
Slide 13
Blue text: P5 Glitch demo Photo mosh
Slide 14

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