Collaboration & Safety

From MoHA Wiki


You are here to collaborate as an individual or group with the Museum of Human Achievement. We are a community driven space that facilitates the public presentation of cultural works for community and by community.


At any stage of a project safe conduct is essential here at the Museum. We want you to be safe and to feel safe while you are working on any aspect of a project. This can mean:

  • Attire - Wearing the proper attire for your task.
  • Communication - Asking questions and establish transparent discussion with all collaborators.
  • Learning - New to a tool or process? Ask for help and guidance from a project leader or MoHA Staff member. New to us? We’ll find a youtube video and learn together.
  • Awareness - Pay attention to your surroundings! Lots of folks working on different projects at different skill levels.


At MoHA we encourage open and clear communication at all times. We will regularly update all collaborators on the progress of our project through email updates as well as daily discord posts in a dedicated channel. We have an open door policy, if you have any questions, concerns, or have gaps in your knowledge of the current state of a project please ask your point of contact.

Tools & Facilities

  • Production Area - Storage racks & Bins containing all production materials, cables, equipment, etc
  • Homer - Hand Tools
  • Junior - Power Tools
  • Dr. Caligari - Cables, Miscellaneous tech
  • IRL Lab - Tech, Production Studio

Production Equipment - All of our production equipment is organized in the MoHA common areas within our storage bin rack system. All storage bins are labeled by its contents. There is no need to check out these items, we simply ask you to not take them off-site and that you return these items once you are finished.

Please return items in an organized fashion. For example, all cables should be appropriately wrapped for storage.

IRL Equipment - To checkout IRL equipment:

  1. Choose what items you need.
  2. Scan the QR code to register your information with our inventory system.
  3. Production mode, make a thing.
  4. Return your item, fill out the return form.

As always, if you are unfamiliar or unsure about something please ask a staff member for help or clarification.